REDUCED SIZE: Canvas prints

Selected canvas print editions now available in a smaller size.

We are extremely proud of our full-size canvas limited editions. They are faithful to the original in every way including the size, which is usually quite large. But many people would like to own the art but just don't have the wall space to accomodate. With selected editions, we offer reduced physical size prints ranging from about 55 to 75% of the full size edition.

- same quality image, just smaller

- same quality canvas and inks

- same final UV varnish

- reduced cost

Studio canvas prints are produced by the giclee method on fine quality artist grade canvas. Each print is signed and numbered in both the image and the margin. Our prints have an ample margin for stretching and are finished with a UV varnish similar to that used on original paintings. All print production is supervised by the artist. Prints are shipped rolled requiring stretching on arrival.

Canvas prints can be ordered online through the studio store. Shipping is included for most editions for most destinations in Canada and the continental US.